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TMJ Disorders: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Introduction to TMJ Disorders

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects your jawbone and skull, allowing you to speak, chew, and yawn. When this joint develops problems, it can result in temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ disorders), which have a significant impact on your daily life. 

Understanding TMJ disorders is important because they can cause chronic pain and discomfort, affecting your overall health. At Luxury Dentistry NYC (LDNYC), we are dedicated to assisting you in understanding and effectively managing TMJ disorders.

Girl holding her cheek due to TMJ pain

Symptoms of TMJ Disorders

TMJ disorders present with a variety of symptoms. Common symptoms include jaw pain or tenderness, difficulty chewing, and a clicking or popping noise when moving the jaw. More severe symptoms may include chronic facial pain, joint locking, and headaches. If these symptoms appear, it is critical to seek medical attention, especially if they continue or worsen over time. Our expert team can diagnose and recommend the best treatment options for your TMJ problems.

Man pressing his cheek due to TMJ pain

Causes of TMJ Disorders

Several factors can lead to TMJ disorders:

  • Physical Injury: Trauma to the jaw or head can damage the TMJ, resulting in pain and dysfunction.
  • Arthritis: Conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can wear down the joint cartilage, resulting in TMJ disorders.
  • Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): Habitual teeth grinding or clenching puts excessive pressure on the TMJ, contributing to its dysfunction.
  • Stress and Anxiety: High levels of stress can cause muscle tension around the jaw, exacerbating TMJ issues.
  • Genetic Factors: Some people may be predisposed to TMJ disorders due to hereditary factors that affect the structure or function of their jaw.

Girl holding her cheek

Diagnosis of TMJ Disorders

Diagnosing TMJ disorders typically involves a multi-step approach:

  • Medical History Review: Your healthcare provider will review your medical history to determine if there are any underlying conditions or previous injuries that may be contributing to TMJ disorders.
  • Physical Examination: A thorough examination of your jaw, including checking for pain points, range of motion, and sounds like clicking or popping, helps in diagnosing TMJ disorders.
  • Imaging Tests: Imaging tests, such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs, can provide a detailed view of the jawbone, joint, and surrounding tissues, allowing for more accurate diagnosis.

Treatment Options for TMJ Disorders

Various treatment options can help manage TMJ disorder treatment effectively:

  • Home Remedies: Applying ice or heat packs, eating soft foods, and avoiding extreme jaw movements can provide relief.
  • Medications: Pain relievers, anti-inflammatories, and muscle relaxants can help with symptoms.
  • Physical Therapy: Exercises to strengthen jaw muscles and improve range of motion can be beneficial.
  • Dental Treatments: Dental splints or mouth guards can reduce teeth grinding and jaw tension.
  • Surgical Options: In severe cases, surgical interventions like arthrocentesis, arthroscopy, or open-joint surgery may be required.

Closeup of beautiful teenage girl isolated on gray background touching her face and closing eyes with expression of horrible suffer from health problem and aching tooth, showing dissatisfaction.

Preventive Measures

Preventing TMJ disorders involves adopting certain lifestyle changes:

  • Lifestyle Changes: Avoiding hard or chewy foods and practicing good posture can reduce stress on the jaw.
  • Stress Management: Techniques like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing can help manage stress and prevent jaw tension.
  • Regular Dental Checkups: Regular dental checkups can detect early signs of TMJ disorders and provide timely treatment.


TMJ disorders can have a significant impact on your quality of life; however, understanding their symptoms, causes, and treatment options can help you manage the condition effectively. If you are experiencing persistent jaw pain or other related symptoms, seek professional medical advice to explore appropriate treatment options. Luxury Dentistry NYC is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for TMJ disorders, allowing you to live a pain-free life. Taking proactive steps, such as changing your lifestyle and managing stress, can also help prevent TMJ disorders and live a healthier, pain-free life. Visit us at Luxury Dentistry NYC to learn more about our TMJ disorder treatments and other dental services.

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